beginning of the lovely month of May. The sun is shining outside and I am feeling
optimistic and happy inside, although still a little dizzy ;) Exciting times
ahead regarding food and diet issues. I was inspired by a story of a family
that removed sugar from their diet for a whole year and thought that this is
something I would like to do. Then a cousin of mine and friend on Facebook
created Sugar-free May event, and so I figured I would begin with that. One
month without sugar. Today is the first day! I am not doing 100% sugar-free. I
will remove added refined sugar, which means no sweets at all and no cakes. No
bread or buns with sugar. No yogurt or other dairy with sugar. Nor with
artificial sweeteners. So no Coke Light! Serious stuff! But I am not removing
all sauces and pesto and stuff like that which often has added sugar. Not now,
anyway. And of course I am eating fruit. Lots of fruit! And I will allow myself
to drink Herbalife sportdrinks (for my runs) and if I need extra energy for my
longer runs (my half-marathon training is starting for real very soon) I will
eat some energy bars or things like that. And my vegetarianism is going very well which is both surprising and fabulous at the same time.This is very exciting and I am
feeling super optimistic and positive and energetic in the beginning of the
fantastic month!
running schedule has gone all over the place these last few weeks. My knee
keeps acting up again and again, as well as travelling and inner ear problems
causing me not being able or interested to go for many runs in April. Only
about 5 runs in a whole month. Not good at all. Now I need to get going,
although still quite slowly because of my knee. Will see a physical therapist
soon if this will not get better. According to my half-marathon training plan,
I need to start the “serious” training soon, within a couple of weeks. Still
only three runs a week, two shorter ones plus the long one on Saturdays. I have
also ordered a work-out DVD that will help me get more structure in my strength
training. I am quite excited about all of this, and ready to get started. Have
ambitious weight-loss plans as well, but we will see how that goes.
months, I have been very busy working on the new me. I have been reading and
listening to people like Brian Tracy, Robin Sharma and reading a lot of stuff
regarding change and such things. I’m doing yoga and meditation, although the “stressed”
me is not very good at meditation (not yet!). I am working on 10 goals for
2014, and am already on my way regarding few of them. I am really enjoying it,
the process of getting to know myself better and looking at myself from
different perspectives. And it is interesting to realise that different people
see me in such different ways. And how differently I see myself in different
situations. I am actually a very different person in private than I am at work,
and very different from how I am in my academic life. That is the “me” I like
the most, very confident and happy and certain that that is what I want to do
with my life. Now I’m just working on transferring that confidence and
certainty into all other aspects of my life. How exciting J
Have a
great May everybody!
Namaste :)
Namaste :)