Sunday, 13 January 2013

Progress report 1 :)

This past week has gone by very fast, I've been very busy with different things but still managed to keep on track regarding diet and exercise. I've finished all my sweets and candy! On Wednesday, I had choir practice and someone brought the most delicious Icelandic chocolate (Nóa konfekt!!) and I couldn't help myself and had a few pieces. Other than this, I haven't had any sweets since last Sunday. Finito with that! So far it has gone well although I think I may be eating too much food to compensate for the lack of carbs and sugar. So my next step is to work on portion sizes. 

Today, I have nothing in my kitchen that has added sugar apart from ketchup and a couple of frozen baguettes. So next week will truly be the beginning of my non-sugar diet. I'm looking forward to the challenge as well as dreading it a little. It is very scary to change. I've done this before, but always given up after a few weeks and now I really don't want to give up. So I think that is what I'm dreading, failing. Still, I'm an optimist by heart and will just do my best. That is all I can do, really.

On last Monday I went back to my gym. I hadn't been there since October! It was so difficult to go there. I really had to make myself, force myself really. I pretend that the reason for why it is so hard to go is because of the the distance from work and home, I have to change the subway or take a couple of buses, so it is too difficult to travel all that way. Of course, I know that is not the real reason why it was so difficult. It was lazy me finding all possible excuses for not going. 

But, I went. And I trained. Hard! And it was lovely. This time I did strength training. 10 minutes of warming up on the treadmill and then 4 exercises for lower body and 4 exercises for upper body, 3 sets each with 15, 12 and 10 reps. I mostly used free weights but also some of the machines. I was also going to do exercises for abs and back, but was totally finished physically after the other ones that I just couldn't. Will remember next time to do abs and back before upper and lower body, just in case! It was so great to really use my body and feel the burn. And the next 2 days I could hardly walk, sit down or do anything without almost screaming out in pain. Maybe I didn't stretch well enough. But it was a good start. 

On Tuesday I went for a short walk around my new neighbourhood, trying not to look like Pinocchio, you know, walking like I was made of wood. I was really stiff and sore ;) On Wednesday I had a rest day. On Thursday I went back to the gym. This time I did a group session, cardio training. It was fantastic. I'm very happy with my gym, and the instructors there are really good at motivation and getting you to give it your all in the sessions. After the cardio session I did a short strength group session were the emphasis is on abs and back. It was also fantastic and I could really feel those muscles the next day. Friday was rest day again. On Saturday I went on a lovely hike in lovely Oslo, uphill and quite challenging. It was very cold, sunny and just perfect. Today, Sunday, I went for a short walk around the city centre but it was just too cold and I wasn't dressed properly so we were quick to jump into a café. Winter is back to Oslo! 

The plan for next week is at least 2 training sessions at my gym and at least 1 hike/running session. My schedule is getting very busy at the moment so my challenge will be to make time for training and not let the week just pass without going to the gym. Regarding my diet, the plan continues to be the same, no added sugar and sweeteners, and a crack down on my portion sizes. The challenge will also be to eat enough through the day which I sometimes forget when I'm so busy. I'm also noting down all the ingredients I need to get so I can start to make delicious healthy sugar-free brownies and other goodies. Can't hardly wait :)

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