Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Drastic measures needed!

So, things are not going so great here in ‘Trying to be healthy-ville’. Not that they are going too bad. I’m gluten free now for a week already, and feeling the difference in my digestive system. Whether or not it is the lack of gluten, I can’t say, but I’m feeling much better and my stomach is behaving much better. So there’s that! 

Sugar has attacked me with a vengeance, and I’m totally off in Lalaland in that regards. Chocolate seems to be growing on trees here and I’m eating tons of it. I think I may have had the “enough is enough” moment just now, and am getting back on non-sugar-mode tomorrow. The hardship of the sweet tooth girl going healthy, it is the making of an epic novel!

I was remembering December 2011 this evening. It was lovely. 2011 was a year of transformation for me. It started with me living in Dublin, the home of baked beans and sausages (perfect food for carb junkies!). I loved some parts of my live there, my studies and spending time with my friends, and exploring the city. Dublin is really a great city and I can’t wait for my visit there in April. But it was also a miserable time. I was homesick and worried about what I would do after the masters program was finished. Freaking out about stuff and just comfort eating all day long. Until March. I woke up when my weight had reached 88kg. I had never been so heavy and I felt horrible. From March and until mid summer, when I was back in Iceland, I managed to lose some weight, get back to running and was starting to get back to my old self. Then I started using Herbalife, and what’s even more amazing. I stopped drinking Diet Coke. A huge, huge, triple huge accomplishment! I haven’t had any Diet Coke since August 8th 2011, except for a couple of sips last Christmas which tasted horrible. I will never drink Diet Coke again, I am happy to say for sure. So, in early December 2011, living in Malta, I had lost 11 kilos, and was a happy 77kg. Feeling amazing, back to running and happy. Not that I was fixated on my weight, but it felt good to look better in my clothes. In the first months of 2012, I kept up my running schedule, got ambitious and started training for a half marathon, and kept the weight off without any help from Herbalife or other supplements. 

Than the Thesis stress kicked in. And as I have said before, I tackle stress by eating. By now, I had moved to Oslo and started working as well as writing my thesis. There was no time for running or gym, although I did my best for a while to keep that up. The stress of it all was too much, and I started eating. And eating. I started back on Herbalife, but because I wasn’t eating properly or exercising, it didn’t help except maybe kept me from gaining more weight than I did. I am still working on getting back on track. Now I have just made the decision to get back on Herbalife and take my eating problem by the horn. From next week, I will have more time as I will finish this project I’m working on soon, and then I will prioritise running and gym over other things. I just have to. No more excuses. My goal is to lose 7 kg. I don’t think that is too much or too difficult. I mean, 7kg is nothing really. I made this to remind me and hung it over my TV. 

So now when I’m sitting and relaxing in my sofa, I will see this and not want to eat! That is the plan!!!

Next time, I will put another picture here showing some X-is over the first couple of numbers. Exciting, isn’t it? 

Sunday, 17 February 2013

I'm back ... on track!

Well. Here I am. Back at blogging. 

Last few weeks have been a little crazy, hectic, lazy and everything in between. I‘ve been working on improving myself professionally, academically and personally and the stress of it has caused me to crash and burn when it comes to my health regime. 

No gym! But a little running. 

Lots of sugar! 

Lots of carbs! 

Yesterday I managed to “finish” the article I’ve been struggling with, and I sent it off to two people to read it over and give me some feedback. Expecting to need to do more work before I send it off to journals. But at least I’m on the road of finishing it. I’m also working on other academic stuff that will influence my future. Stress!

At work, I’m taking a very interesting course in becoming a “tutor” in ICDP, it is very very interesting and is helping me develop further as a professional, but of course it is also stressful. 

And of course it is also stressful when you are working on developing yourself personally, so my life is filled with stress and worry. 

Not that it is necessarily negative to have stress in your life. I imagine that if there is no stress, you are very comfortable in your comfort zone, and I don’t want to be there so I’m happy for the stress. My problem is the way I tackle stress. I EAT! So, for these last few weeks, I have been EATING! Not good food or healthy food. Oh no! So I need to work on how to tackle stress and change without eating it away. 

Today is a new day and I’m giving it my all to change my stress-relief eating habit. Went for a short run this morning, and have already booked myself a spot at the gym tomorrow. Cardio Energy, here I come! I threw out the last pieces of chocolate I had and washed the ice cream down the sink! 

No sugar, no gluten diet. Here I come. 

Will keep you posted ;)