Sunday, 12 January 2014

Day 12: My pescetarien lifestyle is going very well and I’m not missing meat at all. Had a little hiccup on Friday, when I accidentally had a small piece of sausage at work. Had just made sausage pasta for the children and before I knew I had gotten myself a plate. Suddenly I remembered that I don’t eat meat, so I was quick to leave it alone. Quite funny, actually, and a lesson in how big of a role habit plays in our life. 

Other habits I’m trying to brake now are the snacking in the evenings. When I finally throw myself on the sofa after a long day, planning to watch a TV show or two before bed, I just seem to have to have something to snack on. Even when I’m not hungry. Habits are the road to failure; I think I remember reading somewhere. One trick I’m using is always drinking a large glass of water when I feel I want to eat something. It works, kind of.

My kilometres keep ticking in, getting closer to 2014km every day almost. The plan is to run three times a week and walk 1-2 times a week. Depending on the time I have to spend on this. The runs are the most important, and I will keep those days no matter what. Yesterday I went for a 5K run around my neighbourhood, and it was lovely. It was -5 degrees but no wind and very nice to run. 

The weather for the next weeks seems to be cold like that, and even colder. But I like to run in the cold. I have very good wool underwear and socks so I’m not cold at all. The air is so fresh and lovely in the frost and I just love it. As long as it is not too slippery it will be great to keep up the runs in this cold. I have two weeks to go before I start a 10K training plan I got from Runners World. I will use that plan for the run in Oslo on 26.april. I would really like to be able to go under 60 minutes on that run, but the plan is just to keep to the training program and work on endurance and strength. And hopefully some weight loss as well. So for the next two weeks, there are walks and slow/short runs 3-5 times a week. And I can’t wait :)

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