Tuesday, 14 April 2015

I'm still alive ;)

It has been two weeks since my last running post, I just had the most insane couple of weeks with my PhD as well as trying to relax and enjoy Easter a little bit so writing blogs was not on my agenda. I will put up a PhD post on Friday. This is my running/health post for the week. Nothing has really changed. I am eating well and same as before, this low carb, no sugar thing is really working for me. I can happily report that I've officially lost 5 kilos, today actually almost 6. And I'm feeling very good in general. Have been having some headache spells, but those are tension headaches because I'm sitting all day and basically all evening in front of my computer and my shoulders are starting to suffer.

I am trying to find my way back into a gym/running routine, but for some reason that has been difficult. So I joined a 'fat-loss' challenge online from Iceland, we have a Facebook group and an Instagram hashtag so that is great support. My goals are just to start going to the gym regularly and do strength training, and then getting my running into a more structured plan. I don't think I will be able to join the Wellington half marathon, so the plan now is just to excel at the Reykjavik half marathon. That is fine, you just have to play with what you're dealt, right? I think one of the reasons I'm not going to the gym, is because I have this off-peak membership, which means that on weekdays I cannot use the gym between 3-7pm, which are the peak hours. I am negotiating with my gym and hope to change my membership, but they are being difficult. Which I don't understand, as if I get to change my membership status, I will be paying a higher fee. I am just not going to the gym in the mornings. In spite of my best intentions, it is just not happening. And when I go home around 4-5pm, I just can't make myself go back outside to go to the gym at 7pm. I know, these are stupid reasons. But when you are stressed out about so many things in your life, you need other things to be simple and easy. So I need to be able to go to the gym at 5pm when I'm heading home. Then I can jump in the shower when I come home, have dinner and relax. If they won't let me change my membership, I will have to think of something else to do.

Anyway, this was just me rambling. I just arrived at a doctoral writing retreat and need to get back to my methodology. Have a great week :)

Cheers, Bryndis.

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