These last couple of
weeks have been totally without running. First, I went to Dublin and didn’t
take my running gear with me as I was flying RyanAir without luggage and simply
no space in my luggage. With that as an excuse, I just enjoyed Dublin and the
lovely people there. I did walk some, but mostly just relaxed. It was lovely.
The following week I got the flu, and had to work on an article
I’m writing
plus another project that had deadlines on the 2nd and 5th
of May. So no running for me.
But now I’m back. On Tuesday I went for a fantastic
walk with super lovely women, 10 km in lovely Nordmarka in Oslo. It was
fantastic but serious workout at well. Today, I went for a 5km run in the pouring rain. My time is
still not so great, 5km in 35 minutes, so there is plenty of room for
improvements. But I can feel that my form is much better already, but I feel
very tired in my feet. I think now I just have to go and get better shoes,
can’t wait any longer! Well, will have to wait for my next pay check due to
overspenditure in Dublin, but that is a story for a different blog (shopaholic’s
blog, perhaps!). And today I went to meet other Icelandic running enthusiasts
here in Oslo and we are on our way to form a great running group that will meet
a couple of times each week. It will be great to have that support and
discipline a group training gives you. I look forward to our first meeting next
Monday :)
I have discovered that
I have two modes of operating. Well, I’ve known this for a while, but finally I’m
able to put it into words. One mode is “safe mode”, where I only have the most
necessary systems operating. I sleep, eat, go to work, watch TV and try to meet
a few people around. Basically I do very little. Not good at all as I get very very lazy in this mode, it kills down every initiative and interest, very very terrible!
Then there is
“windows mode”, where I have all possible programs running at the same time, working, running,
singing, socialising, 10 tabs open in the browser, logged into Facebook,
LinkedIn, Skype, Gmail and god knows what, listening to Spotify, playing majong
or solitaire, watching videos on Youtube, working on several documents on word,
multitasking de luxe. That is the mode that fits me best and I get super
effective, doing everything I need to do plus everything else. Great. Today I
seem to be back to “windows mode” and I’m loving it. Hopefully, there will be
no viruses crashing my system in the near future ;)
My first 10km run of
the season is getting closer. I am only concentrating on finishing that run in
one piece, and actually looking forward to the atmosphere and experience of a
street run :)
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